


Rotary Gaya is 55 years strong. Following a meeting of like minded people In October 1956 Rotary Club of Gaya was chartered on January 27 !957 at a glittering luncheon meeting at Jawahar Town Hall attended by 31 Charter members . Rtn Dr Lt Col K.S.R. Swami was the first President and Rtn Dhanesh Prasad (later District Governor) was founder secretary. Rotary Club of Patna was our sponsorer and charter was presented by then DG Rtn G B Basu.

In 1957 there were very few clubs and RC Gaya was probably 4th club in undivided Bihar. We were a part of RI Dist 53 comprising of whole of eastern India extending up to then East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and Burma in east and Madhya Pradesh in west. For uninitiated District is one administrative unit under Rotary International headed by a District Governor. With growth of Rotary and increasing number of clubs districts were made smaller and we were part of RI Dist 325(till 1970), then to Dist 326(till1984). In 1984 we were made a part of RI Dist 325 consisting of whole of undivided Bihar to which we continue to be apart though with computer age we are now called RI Dist 3250. When RI Dist 325 was formed in 1984 Rtn Dhanesh Prasad presided as its first DG. Later Rtn K P Bhadani became DG in 1994. We had distinction of organizing yearly District Conferences in 1962,1985,19995 and 2006.

Since its very inception Rotary Gaya is actively involved in community services. Some of the prominent community is highlighted

1. Eye care services have been our prominent activity. When Gaya did not have much of eye health delivery system we started organizing eye operation camps in 1957 itself. It became hugely popular over the years and up to 800 cataract operations were done in one camp. We used to have 2-3 such camps spread over Gaya, Jehanabad, Bodhgaya, Maur. Dr B N Khanna eminent

Eye surgeon from Delhi, Dr N k Seth from Gorakhpur used to come and operate on patients. In 1986 we Organized an eye camp at Bodhgaya in association with RI Dist265 (Japan) wherein Dr Akira Momose and his entire team from Japan operated on 165 patients. It was for the first time that Intra Ocular Implants were done in a camp. Later from 1987 onwards our own Dr S K Varma used to operate at the yearly camps.

2. Establishment of an Eye Hospital has been our long cherished dream. In 1989 with the initiative PDG Late Dhanesh Prasad and then President Late Sidheshwar Prasad a weekly outdoor services for eye care was started. It became hugely popular attracting up to 100 patients on Sundays. It ran efficiently till 1998 and was stopped then for space constraints.

3. We have taken other mega health projects in past in the form of cleft lip, plastic surgery when surgeons from Virginia USA and Varanasi collaborated.

4. Services in the field of Education are stupendous. In late 50s when there was very little of quality nursery and primary education in Gaya we took initiative and Started Shishu Bharti a school for toddlers initially at Zawatika Hall and then at Rotary Campus. It was hugely successful and popular. By late 1980s when it was felt that it needs a professional to run a school we invited DAV to run our Sishu Bharti. Invitation to DAV has completely changed the scenario of school education in Gaya in last 20 years. Impact is there to be seen for everyone with growth of schools offering quality education. Gaya has become hub of good school education where students from distances come for education. This is a rare gift to citizen of Gaya and once again the mastermind behind this has been Late PDG Dhanesh Prasad.

5. Lately we have started Saheli Centre to impart vocational training to girls in the field of computers, stitching and beautician. Help from Rotaryannees has made it very successful.

6. Elimination of Polio is a promise to mankind Rotary made in 1985. We have been in fore front and PP Late Dr Suresh Chandra was a leader. His micro planning for polio elimination was very well appreciated at National level. We are very near to fulfilling our commitment to humanity.

7. Rotary campus is sprawling premises of about 1.72 acres. This land was acquired in late 70s. Sri Sheochand Prasad a great philanthropist offered this land at throwaway price then. Gradually building has been built and its growth is for one to see one of the best Rotary Campuses anywhere on the globe. This entire property is owned by The Gaya Rotary Charitable Trust an organization floated by us.

8. We constructed a waiting space for mourners at Smashan Ghat and later renovated it and strengthened the river bund there. Another cherished desire of us is to start an electric crematorium there. In addition we constructed Shed for Pilgrims at Pita Maheshwar Temple and for passengers near Gaya College.

9. We have been in forefront whenever natural calamity struck whether it was earthquake in Gujrat or floods in North Bihar.

10. We always organize inter school and inter college debates. Taking this forward in April 2011 we organized Yuva Mahotsav inviting school children from all of Bihar to various scholastic and cultural activities.

There are many more activities in the past 55 years which I may have missed as a chronicler. All in all Rotary Gaya (We dropped Club from our name somewhere 2005) has a glorious past let us be proud of it and take a pledge to carry it forward.